Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Starting my Blog up again

Hello everybody,
Gosh where has the time gone, Brian and I went off for three months travelling across France and over the Alps into Italy then up the foothills of the Alps to the North Coast of France and over to England and then off to New York for Brian's 65th Birthday Bash and to see my youngest son and his wife and our two grandchildren, then back to England for a month to catch up with all our friends before Christmas. We dashed home just in time for all our family to arrive for Christmas and we had the best Christmas we have had for years.
Then I caught a cold, which became flu and then bronchitus, then an abycss in my throat, Oh dear another 6 weeks gone by.
So at last I am feeling better and ready to start blogging again.
I have done some small projects during this time, the first being some whacky Angels for the Christmas tree, I made many of these and gave them as gifts to my girlfriends for Christmas.

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